
侧田《The Party Live》Justin

The 3rd anniversary, the 3rd year of Justin, It is the year of "The Party Live" This is the CD recording the live party, where justin sang 2 brand new songs. You will also find the first-time-released English Demo of last single album's "Wu Yan Wu Yu". Download this album and lets party with Justin.

三周年纪念,The Party Live,侧田现场对歌迷近距离献唱2首新曲,与新人唐素琪首度现场献唱收录于唐素琪即将推出的专辑中的最新合唱歌"星火".还唱出上一专辑"阿田"中" 三十日"及"无言无语"的Demo英文版.献唱"无言无语"时,更一度落泪,表示自己很多创作作品都投入了很多的感情.而其他曲目均是重新编曲现场 band伴奏.有Ted Lo坐镇.唱"决战二世祖"时,更忍不住即兴表演搞笑舞步.
01. B.O.K
02. Erica, Y!
03. 情歌
04. 30 Days
05. 星火 (侧田/唐素琪)
06. 无言无语
07. 命硬
08. 决战二世祖/Stand By Me
09. Back At OneMusi

